Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I go by a variety of names, but around here – I’m known as Inu. Yes, I am a pup ( a non-sexual one at that so stop asking >-< ). I am currently collared. I am not just a pup though. It is just one role I serve to Him and it is one that helps me relaxe the most – so I identify as such.

I am currently going through a period of self-reflection and growth. I have been in the lifestyle for a while but am still trying to find my place. My life right now is a bit hectic and I am nowhere near where I had planned to be about a year ago. I am a college graduate. I have a B.A. in Social Work and minored in sociology. I am very into people. I like watching them and seeing how they act with and react to their enviornments. I am hopeful to go to grad school soon. I’m not 100% sure if I am going to stick with social work, but I know I want to do counseling of some sort. I started a small business that has kept me busy for the most part of the year. Online sales sucked but things seem to work out better in person. Am I going to continue with it? Probably. Just because it is something I do enjoy, it brings me a little more money to spend on bills, and it keeps me busy.

I am a self-defined dork. I’ve also been told by many others that I am too. I am a bit of a gamer. I love RPGs and strategy games. Not a big fan of FPS though.

let's see, I'm afraid to let anyone really close to me. Some have tried and almost succeeded but I push them away. I am filled with insecurities, abandonment issues an,d other problems that span back to childhood, yadda yadda. I have some mommy and lots of daddy issues. I keep secrets to protect myself. I have deep, dark secrets that I refuse to share, even with those closest to me, because I if I let them out, I'm afraid that I would not be able to bear that person leaving. Overall, I'm just a messed up person.

I have discovered the 'little' side to me and she helps me deal with my parental issues. I'm still scared for people to see that side of me and I have only let 2 people ever see that side of me. so yea....

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