Saturday, September 15, 2012

Job Hunt

I felt so good when I woke up this morning. I woke up the best way I could, considering the distance between Master and I, a sweet text saying good morning. We got to really talk for a few hours. It was nice, I still have some guilt, but that will stay with me for a long time. The problem for me came when I decided to check my email. For anyone who knows me, they know the problems I have been having for the past year or two in finding a job. People assume that because I'm in the city that jobs should come by easily. That's not the case considering that there are a few hundred other people applying for these same jobs.    

I had a great day until I opened my email and saw, not one or two, but TEN different rejection emails. These are jobs I applied to in January/February and they are just getting back to me. Umm, hello! I figured you rejected me, no need to rub it in. I am at a loss for what to do. It feels like I am in a hole and just can't get my foot in anywhere to get out. I have recently taken the chance and signed up to be a virtual assistant. I've had someone interested, but they backed out last minute. It is a very frustrating time. Especially because I don't know what is going to happen in the next few months. I had been planning to move, but (through my own fault) that fell through and I'm stuck here for a while more. I feel like I have so many useful skills that I have developed over the years but no one wants to give me a chance because I don't have the experience in their field, or just not enough experience at all. I am just tired of not having steady income.

To top it all off, my brother owes me money for watching his daughter. I get that he says he has a lot of bills, but dude just spent $100 to get a flat screen TV and is spending another $70 to get the screen fixed. Um, He owes me about $100 dollars, so instead of paying me, he goes to get a tv. This is why I don't like my biological family, they're so self-absorbed and worried about how to weasel their way out of paying debts they owe. Thankfully Master has agreed to lend me something so I can at least get my cell phone turned back on. I just hate having him give me the money to do this. I don't like borrowing money from people. I don't know where to turn to really. Even if I wanted to borrow money from my family, they would make me jump through loops and bitch to everyone that I'm mooching money off them. I just need a new plan and a new life away from this city.

On the bright side, I got my desktop fixed and running! AND I have it connected to the internet -happy dance-

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